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Version: 2.0

Civo Platform Installation

kubefirst is our command line tool that installs a fully automated platform of open source cloud native tools to your Civo cloud with a simple kubefirst civo create command.

kubefirst Civo with GitHub Cluster Diagramkubefirst Civo with GitHub Cluster Diagram


Local Prerequisites

Install the kubefirst CLI.

GitHub Prerequisites

Civo Prerequisites

For kubefirst to be able to provision your Civo cloud resources:

Create your new kubefirst cluster

Adjust the following command with your GitHub and Civo tokens in addition to the appropriate values for your new platform.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export CIVO_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kubefirst civo create \
--alerts-email [email protected] \
--github-org your-github-org \
--domain-name \
--cluster-name kubefirst

The kubefirst CLI will produce a directory of utilities, a state file, and some staged platform content that can now be found in the ~/.kubefirst and ~/.k1 folders on your local machine.

After the ~10 minute installation, your browser will launch a new tab to the kubefirst Console, which will help you navigate your new suite of tools running in your new Civo cluster.

If your deployment is not successful, errors and troubleshooting information will be stored in a local log file specified during the installation run.

Example of terminal output following cluster creation

terminal handoff

Root credentials

To obtain your 3 initial passwords, run

kubefirst civo root-credentials

terminal handoff

the kubefirst civo root-credentials command was introduced in 2.0.1

Connecting to Kubernetes

To connect to your new Kubernetes cluster, run

export KUBECONFIG=~/.k1/kubeconfig

To view all cluster pods, run

kubectl get pods -A

Installed Applications

To see what is installed by kubefirst, check the overview page.