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Version: 2.2



Google Cloud is in beta. Use at your own risks.

The Google Cloud provisioning process will:

  • Create a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud.
  • Create a gitops git repository from our gitops-template and store it in your selected git provider.
  • Install Argo CD bootstrapped against your gitops repository so your repository powers the platform.
  • Install all the platform apps using GitOps (gitops repository /registry folder).
  • Apply Terraform to configure Vault (gitops repository /terraform/vault folder).
  • Bind a webhook to ngrok in cluster so you can automate Terraform executions through Atlantis.
  • Integrate Argo Workflows with your git provider.
  • Install Argo Workflows cluster workflow templates to build containers, publish charts, and provide GitOps delivery pipelines.
  • Install a sample application that uses this automation to demonstrate app delivery (metaphor).

Installation DiagramInstallation Diagram


kubefirst beta gcp create provisions a local Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster to host your cloud native environment locally.

Your Google Cloud cluster will include:

Argo CDGitOps Continuous Delivery
Argo WorkflowsApplication Continuous Integration
AtlantisTerraform Workflow Automation
cert-managerCertificate Automation Utility
ChartMuseumHelm Chart Registry
External Secrets OperatorsSyncs Kubernetes secrets with Vault secrets
GitHub Action Runner ControllerGitHub Self-Hosted CI Executor
HashiCorp VaultSecrets Management
Metaphor(development, staging, production) instance of sample Next.js app
Ingress NginxIngress Controller